
【速報】Windows 8 の発売日が10/26日に正式決定


…October 26th, 2012! That’s right! Just a few minutes ago, Steven Sinofsky announced at Microsoft’s annual sales meeting that customers will be able to get Windows 8 – whether in upgrade fashion or on a new PC – starting on October 26th. Earlier this month at the Microsoft Worldwide Partner Conference, Tami Reller told attendees Windows 8 would be available in October. But now everyone has a specific date to mark on their calendars. It’s on mine!

Metro UIがどうなるか期待と不安が交錯…。各種アップグレードキャンペーンが始まるかもしれないので要注目ですね。



  1. Windows Phone SDK 7.1リリース

  2. Windows 8 Consumer Previewがダウンロード可能に

  3. Windows Vista / Windows 7 の個人向けサポート期間が延長

via ソフトアンテナRSS http://www.softantenna.com/wp/windows/windows8-release/

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